Tarot Reading Will i be expecting a new baby
Reading Performed 04/24/2015 at 8:35 AM
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Visual Layout
The Meanings of these Tarot Cards
The answer to your question.
Knight of Swords from the Waite Smith Tarot Deck
Card Meaning When Upright
Skill, bravery, capacity, defence, address, enmity, wrath, war, destruction, opposition, resistance, ruin. There is therefore a sense in which the card signifies death, but it carries this meaning only in its proximity to other cards of fatality.
Papus's Divinatory Meanings
Young dark man. An enemy. A spy.
Card Description
He is riding in full course, as if scattering his enemies. In the design he is really a prototypical hero of romantic chivalry. He might almost be Galahad, whose sword is swift and sure because he is clean of heart.