Queen of Tarot

The ancient wisdom of the cards

Tarot Reading When will I be pregnant

Reading Performed 01/09/2016 at 10:15 AM

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The Meanings of these Tarot Cards


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King of Wands from the Waite Smith Tarot Deck

Card Meaning When Upright

Dark man, friendly, countryman, generally married, honest and conscientious. The card always signifies honesty, and may mean news concerning an unexpected heritage to fall in before very long.

Papus's Divinatory Meanings

A dark man. A friend. Generally married. The father of a family.

Card Description

The physical and emotional nature to which this card is attributed is dark, ardent, lithe, animated, impassioned, noble. The King uplifts a flowering wand, and wears, like his three correspondences in the remaining suits, what is called a cap of maintenance beneath his crown. He connects with the symbol of the lion, which is emblazoned on the back of his throne.

Details of this Tarot Reading

Tarot Layout

Cut the Deck

Tarot School of Thought

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