Tarot Reading What lies in my future?
Reading Performed 07/28/2018 at 12:54 PM
Click or scroll down for the meaning of each position and the interpretation of its card.
Visual Layout
The Meanings of these Tarot Cards
This Covers You
This card gives the influence which is affecting the person or matter of inquiry generally, the atmosphere of it in which the other currents work.
This Crosses You
It shows the nature of the obstacles in the matter. If it is a favourable card, the opposing forces will not be serious, or it may indicate that something good in itself will not be productive of good in the particular connexion.
Ace of Cups from the Waite Smith Tarot Deck
Card Meaning When Reversed
House of the false heart, mutation, instability, revolution.
Mme. Le Normand's Divinatory Meanings (When Upright)
The inquirer, if male.
Card Description
The waters are beneath, and thereon are water-lilies; the hand issues from the cloud, holding in its palm the cup, from which four streams are pouring; a dove, bearing in its bill a cross-marked Host, descends to place the Wafer in the Cup; the dew of water is falling on all sides. It is an intimation of that which may lie behind the Lesser Arcana.
This Crowns You
It represents (a) the Querent's aim or ideal in the matter; (b) the best that can be achieved under the circumstances, but that which has not yet been made actual.
Knight of Cups from the Waite Smith Tarot Deck
Card Meaning When Upright
Arrival, approach--sometimes that of a messenger; advances, proposition, demeanour, invitation, incitement.
Card Description
Graceful, but not warlike; riding quietly, wearing a winged helmet, referring to those higher graces of the imagination which sometimes characterize this card. He too is a dreamer, but the images of the side of sense haunt him in his vision.
This is Beneath You
It shows the foundation or basis of the matter, that which has already passed into actuality and which the Significator has made his own.
Page of Wands from the Waite Smith Tarot Deck
Card Meaning When Upright
Dark young man, faithful, a lover, an envoy, a postman. Beside a man, he will bear favourable testimony concerning him. A dangerous rival, if followed by the Page of Cups. Has the chief qualities of his suit. He may signify family intelligence.
Mme. Le Normand's Divinatory Meanings
Discord in family. Unhappiness between lovers. Illness. Protracted sufferings.
Card Description
In a scene similar to the former, a young man stands in the act of proclamation. He is unknown but faithful, and his tidings are strange.
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This is Behind You
It gives the influence that is just passed, or is now passing away.
Queen of Swords from the Waite Smith Tarot Deck
Card Meaning When Reversed
Malice, bigotry, artifice, prudery, bale, deceit.
Mme. Le Normand's Divinatory Meanings (When Upright)
Happiness throughout life in every way.
Card Description
Her right hand raises the weapon vertically and the hilt rests on an arm of her royal chair the left hand is extended, the arm raised her countenance is severe but chastened; it suggests familiarity with sorrow. It does not represent mercy, and, her sword notwithstanding, she is scarcely a symbol of power.
This is Before You
It shows the influence that is coming into action and will operate in the near future.
Judgement from the Waite Smith Tarot Deck
Card Meaning When Reversed
Weakness, pusillanimity, simplicity; also deliberation, decision, sentence.
Card Description
I have said that this symbol is essentially invariable in all Tarot sets, or at least the variations do not alter its character. The great angel is here encompassed by clouds, but he blows his bannered trumpet, and the cross as usual is displayed on the banner. The dead are rising from their tombs--a woman on the right, a man on the left hand, and between them their child, whose back is turned. But in this card there are more than three who are restored, and it has been thought worth while to make this variation as illustrating the insufficiency of current explanations. It should be noted that all the figures are as one in the wonder, adoration and ecstacy expressed by their attitudes. It is the card which registers the accomplishment of the great work of transformation in answer to the summons of the Supernal--which summons is heard and answered from within. Herein is the intimation of a significance which cannot well be carried further in the present place. What is that within us which does sound a trumpet and all that is lower in our nature rises in response--almost in a moment, almost in the twinkling of an eye? Let the card continue to depict, for those who can see no further, the Last judgment and the resurrection in the natural body; but let those who have inward eyes look and discover therewith. They will understand that it has been called truly in the past a card of eternal life, and for this reason it may be compared with that which passes under the name of Temperance.
Your Self
Signifies the person or thing about which the question has been asked, and shows its position or attitude in the circumstances.
King of Cups from the Waite Smith Tarot Deck
Card Meaning When Upright
Fair man, man of business, law, or divinity; responsible, disposed to oblige the Querent; also equity, art and science, including those who profess science, law and art; creative intelligence.
Mme. Le Normand's Divinatory Meanings
Reunion. Prosperity. Fidelity. Endurance.
Card Description
He holds a short sceptre in his left hand and a great cup in his right; his throne is set upon the sea; on one side a ship is riding and on the other a dolphin is leaping. The implicit is that the Sign of the Cup naturally refers to water, which appears in all the court cards.
Your House
Your environment and the tendencies at work therein which have an effect on the matter €”for instance, your position in life, the influence of immediate friends, and so forth.
Ten of Wands from the Waite Smith Tarot Deck
Card Meaning When Upright
A card of many significances, and some of the readings cannot be harmonized. I set aside that which connects it with honour and good faith. The chief meaning is oppression simply, but it is also fortune, gain, any kind of success, and then it is the oppression of these things. It is also a card of false-seeming, disguise, perfidy. The place which the figure is approaching may suffer from the rods that he carries. Success is stultified if the Nine of Swords follows, and if it is a question of a lawsuit, there will be certain loss.
Mme. Le Normand's Divinatory Meanings
Happiness. Indifference. Trouble from outsiders. Slander.
Card Description
A man oppressed by the weight of the ten staves which he is carrying.
Your Hopes and Fears
Six of Cups from the Waite Smith Tarot Deck
Card Meaning When Upright
A card of the past and of memories, looking back, as--for example--on childhood; happiness, enjoyment, but coming rather from the past; things that have vanished. Another reading reverses this, giving new relations, new knowledge, new environment, and then the children are disporting in an unfamiliar precinct.
Mme. Le Normand's Divinatory Meanings
Good fortune. Happiness. Reverses. Troubles.
Card Description
Children in an old garden, their cups filled with flowers.
The Final Result
The culmination which is brought about by the influences shewn by the other cards that have been turned up in the divination.
Seven of Wands from the Waite Smith Tarot Deck
Card Meaning When Reversed
Perplexity, embarrassments, anxiety. It is also a caution against indecision.
Mme. Le Normand's Divinatory Meanings (When Upright)
Loss. Thief. Loss recovered. Loss irreparable.
Card Description
A young man on a craggy eminence brandishing a staff; six other staves are raised towards him from below.