Queen of Tarot

The ancient wisdom of the cards

Two of Clubs Tarot Card Meaning and Art Normal Playing Card Deck


Two of Clubs

About the Deck

Normal Playing Card Deck

Digital Playing Cards with French suits and Two Jokers.


David Bellot. Modern deck, 2004.


clubs-2, two-of-wands, two, clubs

According to Many Schools of Thought

Papus's Divinatory Meanings

Opposition to the beginning of an enterprise.

A. E. Waite's Secondary Meanings

A young lady may expect trivial disappointments.

S. L. MacGregor Mathers's Divinatory Meanings


Riches, Fortune, Opulence, Magnificence, Grandeur


Surprise, Astonishment, Event, Extraordinary Occurrence.

Mme. Le Marchand's Divinatory Meanings

if to-morrow morning, about seven o'clock some one inquires of you concerning any thing whatever, give no answer, and you will escape a great vexation.