Queen of Tarot

The ancient wisdom of the cards

Tarot Reading How will this situation go in my life

Reading Performed 09/29/2021 at 9:50 PM

Click or scroll down for the meaning of each position and the interpretation of its card.

Visual Layout

The Meanings of these Tarot Cards


What has already occurred; the past.

Ten of Swords from the Vivid Waite Smith Tarot Deck

Card Meaning When Reversed

Advantage, profit, success, favor, but none of these are permanent; also power and authority.

Papus's Divinatory Meanings (When Upright)

Uncertainty in the hatred.

Card Description

A figure lies on the ground, pierced by the swords of the card.


What is occurring now; the present.

The Heirophant from the Vivid Waite Smith Tarot Deck

Card Meaning When Upright

Marriage, alliance, captivity, servitude; also mercy and goodness; inspiration; the man to whom the Querent has recourse.

Papus's Divinatory Meanings


Card Description

He wears the triple crown and is seated between two pillars, but not those of the Temple guarded by the High Priestess. In his left hand he holds a scepter ending with the triple cross. With his right hand he gives the well-known ecclesiastical sign of esotericism, distinguishing between the surface and concealed parts of doctrine. At his feet are the crossed keys, and two priestly ministers in albs (priestly robes) kneel before him. He is the ruling power of external religion, as the High Priestess is the prevailing force of the esoteric power.


What has not yet occurred; the future.

Nine of Pentacles from the Vivid Waite Smith Tarot Deck

Card Meaning When Upright

Prudence, safety, success, accomplishment, certainty, discernment.

Papus's Divinatory Meanings

A durable fortune.

Card Description

A woman with a bird on her wrist stands among an abundance of grapevines in the garden of a mansion. Behind her is a wide landscape, suggesting plenty in all things. Possibly, the land is her own possession, and testifies to material well-being.

Details of this Tarot Reading

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