Reading Performed 01/19/2014 at 6:17 AM
Click or scroll down for the meaning of each position and the interpretation of its card.
Visual Layout
The Meanings of these Tarot Cards
Card One
Five of Swords from the Tarot Genoves Deck
Card Meaning When Reversed
Losses Trouble (same signification, whether reversed or not.)
Mme. Le Marchand's Divinatory Meanings (When Upright)
you will have sleepless nights from joy. If you drink a glass of water every morning, fasting, you will obtain your wish. Great things are at hand; a time of trial will come, but if you lose not courae, the worst will soon be over.
Card Two
The Magician from the Tarot Genoves Deck
Card Meaning When Reversed
Will applied to evil ends, Weakness of Will, Cunning, Knavishness.
Card Description
Before a table covered with the appliances of his art stands the figure of a juggler, one hand upraised holding a wand (in some packs, a cup), the other pointing downwards. He wears a cap of maintenance like that of the kings, whose wide brim forms a sort of aureole round his head. His body and arms form the shape of the Hebrew letter Aleph, to which this card corresponds. He symbolises Will.
Card Three
Ten of Coins from the Tarot Genoves Deck
Card Meaning When Upright
House, Dwelling, Habitation, Family;
Mme. Le Marchand's Divinatory Meanings
if you wander southward you will find the happiness you have long sought for; a Southerner will sue for the hand of a young girl; a maiden from the Eastward will fascinate you; a French girl will turn your head, for four-and-twenty hours; a Spaniard will assail your heart with passionate vows of love.
Card Four
Card Five
Four of Coins from the Tarot Genoves Deck
Card Meaning When Reversed
Obstacles, Hindrances.
Mme. Le Marchand's Divinatory Meanings (When Upright)
you will receive a flower from a loving hand; cherish it faithfully, and it will bring you good fortune and happiness – the first rose that is presented to you will tell you that you are entering the rosy month of love.
Card Six
Six of Swords from the Tarot Genoves Deck
Card Seven
Card Eight
Card Nine
Page of Cups from the Tarot Genoves Deck
Card Meaning When Upright
A fair Youth, Confidence, Probity, Discretion, Integrity;
Mme. Le Marchand's Divinatory Meanings
bridegroom; a fortunate wooer; the lover will at last soften the heart of his coy charmer; proposals of marriage and consent; you will receive tomorrow a letter containing money.
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Card Ten
Queen of Cups from the Tarot Genoves Deck
Card Meaning When Reversed
A Woman in good position, but intermeddling, and to be distrusted; Success, but with some attendant trouble.
Mme. Le Marchand's Divinatory Meanings (When Upright)
the lady is loved; quiet love; the person will obtain a rich wife; betrothal; marriage; the lady will consent.
Card Eleven
King of Swords from the Tarot Genoves Deck
Card Meaning When Reversed
A Wicked Man, Chagrin, Worry, Grief, Fear, Disturbance.
Mme. Le Marchand's Divinatory Meanings (When Upright)
you will be drawn into difficulty on account of politics; but you will be so fortunate as to save the life of a person high in station, who will advance you, and you will become prosperous and renowned.
Card Twelve
Card Thirteen
The Chariot from the Tarot Genoves Deck
Card Meaning When Upright
Triumph, Victory, Overcoming obstacles;
Card Description
This is a most complicated and important symbol, which has been restored by Eliphas Levi. It represents a Conqueror crowned and bearing a sceptre, riding in a cubical chariot, surmounted by four columns and a canopy, and drawn by two horses, one of which looks straight forward, while the other turns his head towards him. (Two wheels are shown in the complete single-headed figure.) It represents Triumph, and Victory of Justice and Judgment.
Card Fourteen
Card Fifteen
Card Sixteen
Card Seventeen
The Star from the Tarot Genoves Deck
Card Meaning When Reversed
Hopes not fulfilled, Expectations disappointed or fulfilled in a minor degree.
Card Description
A nude female figure pours water upon the earth from two vases. In the heavens above her shines the Blazing Star of the Magi (surrounded by seven others), trees and plants grow beneath her magic influence (and on one the butterfly of Psyche alights). She is the star of Hope.
Card Eighteen
Card Nineteen
Four of Clubs from the Tarot Genoves Deck
Card Twenty
The World from the Tarot Genoves Deck
Card Meaning When Upright
Completion, Good Reward;
Card Description
Within a flowery wreath is a female figure nude save for a light scarf. She represents Nature and the Divine Presence therein. In each hand she should bear a wand. At the four angles of the card are the four cherubic animals of the Apocalypse. Above, the Eagle and the Man; below, the Lion and the Bull. It represents Completion, Reward.