Queen of Tarot

The ancient wisdom of the cards

Tarot Reading Wdtfam?

Reading Performed 10/16/2020 at 7:02 PM

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Visual Layout

The Meanings of these Tarot Cards


What has already occurred; the past.

Three of Coins from the Alleged Tarot Deck

Card Meaning When Reversed

unrewarding work

A. E. Waite's Secondary Meanings

Depends on neighbouring cards.


What is occurring now; the present.

Seven of Swords from the Alleged Tarot Deck

Card Meaning When Reversed

timidity, conservative behaviour

A. E. Waite's Secondary Meanings

Good advice, probably neglected.


What has not yet occurred; the future.

The Pope from the Alleged Tarot Deck

Card Meaning When Upright

professional advice, learning, teaching

A. E. Waite's Secondary Meanings

The High Priest or Hierophant, called also Spiritual Father, and more commonly and obviously the Pope. It seems even to have been named the Abbot, and then its correspondence, the High Priestess, was the Abbess or Mother of the Convent. Both are arbitrary names. The insignia of the figures are papal, and in such case the High Priestess is and can be only the Church, to whom Pope and priests are married by the spiritual rite of ordination. I think, however, that in its primitive form this card did not represent the Roman Pontiff.

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