Queen of Tarot

The ancient wisdom of the cards

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Consider the Source

Tags: paranormal, basic concepts

In various places around this site, you will hear me throw around the words divination and cartomancy as if they were interchangeable. They aren't. In my opinion, before you trust any advice you receive from the cards, you should be very careful to decide where you think that information is coming from.

Consider the Querent

Tags: intuition, perception, basic concepts

It's a very interesting question whether one should cold-read one's querent when performing a reading. Some might say that it's a little like cheating, because the cards themselves ought to tell the whole story. To me, there is a very fine line between cold reading and second sight; perhaps it is simply a matter of degrees.

Personally, I disagree. I think that as fortune tellers, we should bring all of our minds to bear on what we are doing, and make use of all of the talents god gave us, including the ability to read people or any other form...

Framing the Question

Tags: questions, techniques, basic concepts

I remember teachers in school insisting that there was no such thing as a bad question. I disagree wholeheartedly with that idea. I can think of many examples of bad questions, starting with those that trap the listener: "When did you stop beating your wife?" When it comes to reading tarot cards, asking the right question is crucial. Let's start with bad examples, and move up to good examples.


Tags: basic concepts, techniques, prayer, meditation, focus, centering

There are several different methods of centering oneself before performing a tarot card reading, each of them valid: meditation, a moment of silence, prayer, or even taking a moment to focus on the breath can help to provide the ambience you want when delving into the secrets of the cards.

The function of this behavior differs greatly depending on what you believe. For materialists, it can help to achieve a state of heightened awareness, remove the influence of negative thoughts, connect with the collective consciousness, and allow the mind to focus on what is directly in front of it; the reading.
